How to install DeePlexiCon

DeePlexiCon is built to work in python 3.7 and is quite sensitive to python versions, as well as library versions such as PyTs.

Linux is also prefered, and no support for MacOS or Windows will be provided. All options excepty train should work on any OS if set up correctly, however we strongly advise using train on Ubuntu.

Getting python3.7 and setting up environments

Many systems won't have python3.7, so here is how to get it, and create environments with it. (on Ubuntu <=16.04, 3.7 isn't in the default ppa repos)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3.7-venv

Create environtment

python3.7 -m venv ./Deeplexicon/

clone git repository

git clone

source and install requirements (CPU)

Keep in mind, these versions are crucial to expected operation.

source Deeplexicon/bin/activate
pip install h5py Keras==2.2.4 pandas PyTs==0.8.0 Scikit-learn numba==0.45.0 TensorFlow==1.13.1


That's it. To simplify running things, you can add to your $PATH Just add the following to your ~/.bashrc or run in your current shell

export PATH="/path/to/deeplexicon:$PATH"